Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ohio Weather

Ohio is not known for having great weather.  Does any state really have great weather?  The south is warm in the winter and boiling in the summer.  The coast has hurricanes.  The north has snow.  California has earthquakes.  The Midwest has tornadoes.

Ohio is famous for its snow and rain - just like that Bowling For Soup song "Ohio".   It's true, it really is.  I live in eastern Ohio, near the middle of the state and we are surrounded by hills.  The hills often mean that bad weather passes us by.  While my area always gets the dreaded "s word" each winter, Cleveland and around Lake Erie is the area that gets hit the hardest.

Rain is another story.  Spring is our rainy season and I think April and May 2011 it rained so much that I never went outside those weekends.  We always get a summer storm that knocks our power out, then around October/November we get more rain.  We have now entered another rainy season.  This time, I think it is because of Hurricane Sandy that recently hit Jamaica.

I'm not a meteorologist, but how can a hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean make it rainy in Ohio for a whole week?  We are nowhere near the coast.  Right now, it is in the mid-40s and cold and rainy and it will remain that way for another week.  Temperatures will probably be in the upper thirties at night.  I am getting cabin fever already! 

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