Sunday, October 28, 2012

Internet Problems

Living in the country has it's advantages (quieter streets, fewer neighbors, being surrounded by trees) but sometimes it just sucks.  Living in the country also means having very few choices when it comes to internet service.  My choices were dial-up (heck no), satellite, or Verizon MiFi.  I have the later.  While it has never worked as well as cable internet that I had in my last home, it hasn't given me too many problems until last week. 

I have only been able to connect to the internet for about five minutes a day for the last week.  I was told it was a problem in our area and to wait it out.  It drove me crazy not to have good internet for a week, because I am an internet addict.  My only salvation was that I could still use the internet on my phone.  Thank goodness. 

I got a new internet hot spot in the mail yesterday, which of course, is when the old one started working again.  Grrrrr.  Anyway, I am only mentioning this because I have a lot of posts I will be adding in the next few days and not all of them are current.

Here's hoping I don't have any more problems.  :)

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