Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Farm at Walnut Creek

I recently visited The Farm at Walnut Creek (Amish Country) for the first time.  Since I love zoos and animals, this was the perfect place to spend a few hours.

This is a real working farm, complete with barns, houses, and animals.  When you pay to get in, you get the choice of a drive it yourself tour or a wagon ride.  We opted for drive it yourself, since we didn't want to be stuck in a wagon with a lot of other people.  We also each got a bucket of food to feed the animals.  The food looked similar to rabbit pellets.

We happened to go on a quiet day, so we didn't see many other cars on the drive.  A lot of the drive was through the woods, and we came across animals immediately.  Deer were everywhere and they are not afraid of people.  They are hungry!  They knew that people in cars had food, so we tossed a handful at them.

We saw some adorable potbellied pigs, and I really wanted to take one home with me.  Next, we came across some hungry llamas who also got some food.  Many of the animals will not get out of the way of your vehicle until you feed them.  We saw some ostriches, birds, giraffes, and some very scary zebras who really wanted our food and were big enough to hurt the vehicle if they didn't get it.

After awhile, we finished giving out our food and finished the drive.  We stopped at the parking lot and started the next part of the trip.

There are two big farm houses to explore.  It is interesting to see what an Amish house looks like, but it makes me grateful for my own house with electricity and a tv.  One of the houses has a huge kitchen in the basement, which I had never seen before.  It must be cooler to cook down there in the summer.  Next we checked out the barns and saw lots of sheep napping.

The Farm also has an area of animal enclosures and a petting zoo, so we checked those out.  There were some neat birds, lemurs, horses, goats, and a great enclosure for one of my favorite animals - the kangaroo.  The whole place is landscaped really nicely and is such a pretty place to visit.  I definitely want to go back next year.